What is a SIPP?

I’m evaluating my retirement plans and I am considering opening a SIPP, but what are they and are they suitable for me? A SIPP is a self-invested personal pension and is designed for people who want more control over the funds held within their pension. SIPPs typically offer a wider range of investment options than […]

What is a QROPS scheme?

I have a UK pension and live abroad. I was wondering, what is a QROPS scheme exactly? A QROPS is a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme. For an overseas scheme to be deemed as such, it must satisfy criteria stipulated by HMRC. A QROPS is run by a trustee or trustees in a jurisdiction outside […]

What does QROPS mean?

I’ve recently discovered that expats could be eligible for a QROPS, but what does “QROPS” mean? QROPS stands for “Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme”. A QROPS is a pension scheme which is not based in the UK, but meets specific criteria set by the HMRC in the UK. If you live abroad and wish to […]

How much is the UK State Pension?

I believe the UK State Pension payment has recently changed. How much is the UK State Pension per week? The full new State Pension is £155.65 per week. However, the amount of UK State Pension you will receive will depend on three factors. Firstly, when you were born; secondly, where you live and; finally, how […]

Can I transfer my pension?

I have a UK based private pension, but can I transfer my pension elsewhere? Yes. But whether should or not is a different matter. Transferring your UK pension abroad is generally only advisable if you are absolutely sure that you do not want to return to the UK. If you might become a UK resident […]